Dkt Emmanuel Andrew Sweke
Dr. Emmanuel Andrew Sweke is a Deputy Director General of the Tanzania Deep Sea Fishing Authority (DSFA). Dr. Sweke has PhD and Master Degree (both from Hokkaido University) in Marine Bioresource and Environmental Science majoring in Fisheries Management, Japan and a Bachelor degree in aquaculture from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. He also attended a MSc. in Environmental Planning and Management at UNESCO–IHE, Netherlands. Dr. Sweke is also broadly trained in marine and freshwater ecology, social–ecological systems analysis, and environmental sustainability. He is actively involved in research and consultancies, and have published a number of scientific papers in peer–reviewed journals, participated in international conferences, attended several local and international courses and workshops in fisheries and environment disciplines. Dr. Sweke’s research areas of interest span much of aquatic (marine and freshwater) ecology, resources conservation, assessment and management; aquaculture; social-ecology-and-economics; and environmental sustainability. Dr. Sweke has saved in various management, research forums and committees. He was a Research Scientist at Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) from 2007 to early 2019 and at once saved as an Acting TAFIRI–Kigoma Centre Director. He was one of the founders of Environmental Leaders Sustainability Alumni in Japan and a member of a special committee formed by Hon. Minister of Livestock and Fisheries (Tanzania) to evaluate the performance of fisheries sector in Lake Victoria and develop an operational plan to revitalize the sector. Currently, Dr. Sweke is a Board Member of the Western Indian Ocean- Early Career Scientist Network (WIO -ECSN).